Do you struggle to stand in your value & charge enough to start thriving?

Get instant access to this FREE SUPER ABUNDANCE ACTIVATION GUIDE that is going to help you to open up the channels to receiving - both physically and energetically - so that you can stop living in a scarcity mindset and start living your abundant life, stepping more confidently into your higher purpose!




"In the last week alone, I’ve contracted two new clients, 3 new copywriting clients, 1 group client."

“Your magic works. My clients are literally just showing up. ❤️

In the last week alone, I’ve contracted two new clients, 3 new copywriting clients, 1 group client (and three more interested). I have two more discovery calls today. I chased no one. ✨”

- Renee Z, Copywriter, Author, Speaker



A love note from Maria Heart Song

Hi amazing light leader!

I’m Maria Heart Song, and I am so excited to bring you this free gift, the Super Abundance Activation - because I know that if you implement what I teach it has the power to shift things for you in a big way!

For a long time I struggled in my business, trying to do “all the things” only leaving me overwhelmed and burned out after over giving and under charging for way too long.

It was when I discovered the Art of Receiving and that it is the feminine energy within us that receives, that things started to shift for me in a big way. Only months after I received some of the tools and practices I am going to share in this training, I started to fill my coaching programs with soul aligned clients - and without stressing and hustling.

In fact, I was relaxing, celebrating and enjoying myself most of the time.
I can’t wait to show you how you can learn the Art of Receiving too!

Let’s unleash your magic Sister!

Much love,